
Sambhandha and the Role of Atmakaraka, The King

Maharishi Parasra in chapter 3 ग्रहगुणस्वरूपाध्यायः teaches || त्रिकोणात्‌ स्वात्‌सुखस्वाऽन्त्यधीधर्मायुःस्वतुङ्गपाः। सुहृदो रिपवश्वान्वे  समाश्चोभयलक्षणाः|| Translation – The lords of the signs which are 4th, 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th and the 8th from the Moola trikona sign of the graha and the lords of the exalted signs of each planet are friendly of the particular planet. (BPHS …

Sambhandha and the Role of Atmakaraka, The King Read More »

The importance of Chara Atmakaraka – By Katti Narahari JyotishTeacher

Introduction – Karaka in English means a doer or a significator. I was taught that karaka is like a cabinet minister who holds a particular portfolio. It is the karaka that is ultimately responsible for causing an event (also read my previous article on Argalā). Maharishi Parasara has taught three types of Karakas. Each of …

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