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Learn the ancient science of Vedic astrology (Jyotiṣa) from basics to advanced. Courses are offered online and are highly structured and customized for beginner to advanced students. Vedic astrology workshops are also available online covering a variety of topics.

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About Katti

Pandit Katti Narahari belongs to a traditional family of astrologers from Madinur village, Koppal district, Karnataka. Katti studied under the tutelage of his uncle, Katti Seshagiri.

He began his Jyotish journey at a tender age of 8 following the strict traditional way of guru-sishya parampara. The intensive Jyotish training, which was taught according to the ancient traditional way, helped him to achieve depths of Jyotish with many traditional secrets. He later graduated in the field of commerce and then entered the field of Information Technology. Katti is now a senior SAP ERP technology consultant and a trainer to many multi-national companies worldwide.

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what is jyotish

Jyotia is composed of two words.  Jyotis + ṣa. Jyotis means light/brightness/an illuminating object whereas ṣa means mastery. The mastery of the lord of the light is what is Jyotisha. Now the one who is the master of light has to study this light and so a Jyotishi is one who studies the light.Hence a Jyotisha also means the study of light.Jyoti means light and Isha means the study.


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Learn the ancient science of Vedic astrology (Jyotiṣa) from basics to advanced. Courses are offered online and are highly structured and customized from beginner to advanced students. Vedic astrology workshops are also available online covering a variety of topics.

It was a really enriching experience for me and helped in planning my things very well was looking forward to the 2nd appointment in the near future !

... Sumit


Blessed to connect with Guruji and get the Right Mantra from the Spiritual Astrologer. 

... Swati Sharma

I feel so privileged to be part of the Katti parampara and blessed to be a student of Guruji. He has vast knowledge on vedic astrology and his astrological predictions are so accurate.Panditji’s astrological remedies and guidance helped us with many dimensions of our lives. I am looking forward to continuing my journey of learning astrology from Katti ji. 

... Hima

 Just meeting Guruji, looking at him and listening to him itself was such a divine, positive and uplifting experience. 

Guruji was full of patience to hear our story and the problems being faced. The quality of the consultation with Guruji surpassed all previous astrological consultations with other astrologers. 

... Avinash


Parashara Jyothisa Course

The Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course is the Katti Academy of Jyotish Sciences flagship course. The complete course duration is 3 years, taught online with monthly interactive Q&A sessions via Zoom.

Students will be mentored by Pandit Katti Narahari. The course will be taught based on the shlokas of Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra (BPHS). The literal translations of the shlokas often lead to wrong conclusions, and hence students will learn to decode the shlokas, their various exceptions, hidden meanings, case studies, and assignments.

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My services include correction of problems based on the Vedic astrology or Jyotiṣa principles. This invloves reading your horoscope and suggestion of simple vedic remedies.

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Learn the ancient science of Vedic astrology (Jyotiṣa) from basics to advanced. Courses are offered online and are highly structured and customized from beginner toa dvanced students. Vedic astrolgoy workshops are also available online coveringa variety of topics.

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|| पूज्याय राघवेंद्राय सत्यधर्मरताय च भजतां कल्पवृक्षाय नमतां कामधेनवे ||The Yoga is formed when the Sun and Mercury are together in a horoscope.  This is the literal translation that is found in many texts.  This Yoga confers success, wealth, intelligence, and power to the native. The person is blessed with excellent communication skills, and logical deduction abilities and is well-connected in society.The Basics of YogaIn the case of Budha-Aditya yoga, Surya and Budha can never be more the 28 degrees apart.  So, the only sambandha that is possible is being together or in conjunction.The Grahas involved in Budha-Aditya yoga are Surya and Budha (Sun and Mercury). In any Yoga, one must know which Graha is initiating the results. One interprets Budha as Mercury and Aditya as the Sun.  This is an incomplete definition.  Aditya is a form of the Sun that creates a resource for us to enjoy.  What resource can this be?  This can be education, wealth, knowledge, wisdom, etc.  The Budha-Aditya Yoga unfortunately has been interpreted too broadly.  Since the Sun and Mercury can never to more than 28 degrees apart, this Yoga IS THE MOST common.  Statistically, this Yoga is found in more than 60% of the horoscopes.Can we then say that every one of the 60% of the human population will be powerful, intelligent, and a good communicator?  This is not logical.In Jyotish, there are many classifications of Yoga.  We have Raja Yoga, Wealth Yoga, Spiritual Yoga, Yoga for money loss, etc.Since Yoga is formed by a union of 2 or more grahas, we must be careful in understanding who is the initiator of the Yoga. For example, Loss of Money yogas are initiated by Saturn.  Wealth yogas are the domain of Jupiter. We need to understand who is the initiator of Budha-Aditya Yoga.What does Aditya mean?  Loosely translated Aditya stands for Sun.  There are 12 forms of Adityas called DwadasaAdityas. Adityas are responsible for creating every resource we enjoy in this lifetime. Can we consume anything that has not been created?  Obviously, NO.So the initiator of the Budya-Aditya Yoga is the Sun. Budha uses the resource that has been created.Hence the initiator of this yoga is Surya (Sun).  This means Surya must be strong in the chart.  Surya must be exalted, placed in his own house or friend’s house.If Surya is Weak or afflicted), then the resource creation is weak rendering the Budha-Aditya Yoga null and void.Similarly, Budha must also be strong to learn how to use the resources Aditya has created. Budha must be exalted, placed in his own house or friend’s house. Budha-Aditya yoga is very strong when in Virgo.If Budha is weak then even though there are plenty of resources, the person does not know how to utilize them.Example – The Father is rich, popular, and connected to powerful people in the society, but the child is ignorant.Since Surya is initiating the yoga, we must understand the karaka bhavas, The karaka bhava of Surya are the 1st house and the 5th house.  Sun exalts in the natural 1st house and owns the natural 5th house.So, the focus of Budha-Aditya yoga is the 1st (Lagna) and the 5th house or Aries and Leo.  Condition- 1 When Budha and Surya are placed in Mesha or Simha, Budha-Aditya yoga gives excellent results.  In Mesha, Surya is exalted, whereas Simha is the own house of Surya.  When Budha and Surya are placed in the 1st house or 5th house, Budha-Aditya yoga manifests in full, provided they are not subject to malefic conjunctions and aspects.Condition– 2 The next aspect of this yoga is the relative closeness between Surya and Budha. If Surya and Budha are in the same nakshatra, Budha is combusted.When a Graha combusts, the internal significations of the Graha become very powerful. So, when Budha combusts, the internal qualities like learning, speech, and the knowledge of money do not get diminished.  Many astrologers mistakenly interpret combustion to be negative. It is not so.When Budha is not combust, we must look at the relative degrees between Surya and Budha.When Budha is behind Surya, it is like Budha is following the steps of Surya.  In this case, Budha will learn what Surya has to offer unconditionally.  It is like a student who repeats and learns by rote what the guru teaches.When Budha is ahead of Surya, the student tries to outthink the guru. This manifests in the student being an upstart and having harsh speech.In all this, the effects of Budha-Aditya Yoga must be transferred to the native.  This is Lagna. Condition-3 Budha-Aditya Yoga ideally must have a connection to Lagna or Lagna Lord.  Please make sure that the Lagna lord and Budha are friends.  Condition – 4 Papakartari spoils this yoga.Putting it all togetherWe now see that Budha Aditya Yoga operates to its fullest extent when the above conditions are satisfied. Let us not forget the basics of the strength of the Grahas.  Budha and Surya must not be afflicted by any papa Grahas like Shani or Rahu. Every Graha has a Dristi (aspect) of the 7th house.  So, Budha-Aditya Yoga functions well when in 11th or Aquarius (7th from Leo) and moderately in Thula (Surya’s debilitation)Quiz – What about this Yoga being formed in Kendras? We need to analyse the Budha-Aditya Yoga regarding the Lagna. How about Budha-Aditya yoga for Scorpio Lagna?  Mercury is a dire malefic for Scorpio Lagna being the lord of the 8th (Dusthana) and the lord of the Hara Sthana (11th).  In this manner, the intensity of this Yoga must be understood.ConclusionLooking at the various conditions for a true Budha-Aditya Yoga to manifest, it is clear that a mere technical presence of this Yoga is not its manifestation.|| श्री कृष्णार्पणमस्तु || [...] Read more...
Background – In Jyotish, there are many tools that help us timing an event.  However, which tool to use when and how is usually unclear. What is more frustrating is these tools are combined together and we get a very confusing picture as each tool would give opposite interpretations. Maharishi Parasara and Jaimini have given many tools, of which I will restrict myself to explaining just three.  The three tools are Rasi Dristi Graha Drishti Argalā Rasi Dristi – This is the aspect of the signs where Chara Rasis (movable signs) aspect the Sthira Rasis (fixed sings) and vice-versa (excluding the adjacent sign).  However, the dual signs aspect each other.  Rasi Drishti is a permanent aspect like two adjoining houses in a neighborhood.  What can at best change is the people who live in houses.  Both the houses know the existence of the other house and hence they have complete knowledge of the same.  That is the reason; Rasi Drishti is said to have the quality of knowledge. Graha Drishti – This is the aspect of the grahas.  This is an aspect that is more of a desire.  This aspect is not permanent in nature and is conditioned to the dasa-antra dasa effects.  The good or bad results of this aspect are due to our own desires or right or wrong perceptions.  For example, Shani graha dristi brings sorrow.  If this aspect is on the 2nd house, this means sorrow due to family. This sorrow is due to our own desire and perception we may have towards our family.  I call this graha dristi as the outcome of our own expectation management. Argalā – An event happens due to Rasi dristi, graha dristi, and graha Sambhandha like yuti, parivarthana, etc. However, how the event is finally sealed and delivered is due to Argalā.  The concept of Argalā may be confusing at first.  Hence we need more examples just to understand this tricky and yet powerful tool in Jyotish.  When an event is to happen, Argalā will show who or/and what are interfering and influencing in the affairs of that event.  Hence Argalā is on houses and grahas as well.  We can understand the intervention on grahas/houses and also Naisargika karakas. This is the reason; Argalā is also called as a bolt that seals the event. There are many levels of Argalā, but I will be restricting this paper only to primary Argalā.  Secondary and tertiary Argalā is more advanced and hopefully, I will write about them as well in the future. Primary Argalā – Signs/planets in the 2nd, 4th, or 11th from a sign/planet intervene in the affairs (meaning they cause Argalā), while signs/planets in the 12th, 10th or 3rd from a sign/planet obstruct the Argalā or intervention.  This obstruction is called Virodha Argalā. We see there are activities and a reaction working in pairs here.  The 12th blocks the 2nd, the 10th blocks the 4th, and the 3rd blocks the 11th.   If one looks carefully, these are the same houses that are involved in temporary relationships between planets.  The Argalā of the 2nd is called Dhana Argalā; the Argalā of the 4th is called Sukha Argalā while the 11th Argalā is called Labha Argalā. Let us try to understand the application of Argalā and the chart I have picked is that of Dhirubhai Ambani, one of the richest men India has seen.  It is obvious that there is an umpteen number of Dhana yoga’s in the chart.  What we will see the Argalā on dhanakaraka, Jupiter. Jupiter is the Lagna lord and the 4th lord, placed in the 10th, a powerful Kendra.  We will take Jupiter in Virgo as the focal point.  Jupiter is placed in Virgo, a benefic sign.  There is no Argalā from Libra as there are no planets.  The sign of Libra however shows business and market.   There are mars giving Virodha Argalā from Leo.  Thus mars will have a say in the money matters of the person.  Mars represents all that has to do with engineering, factories, mechanical industries, and entrepreneurial skills.  Shani, the lord of the 2nd has Rasi dristi on this mars and Shani is the karaka (apart from others) of oil, petroleum. Sun and moon have Argalā on Jupiter and there is no obstruction from Gemini. Mars also is the Chara atmakaraka.  Surya indicates working with people in the government and he did have many connections to the politically powerful people. Moon also has Argalā on Jupiter and it is a known fact that Dhirubhai Ambani actually started clothes and yarn business with his partner. This partnership ended eventually due to the temperament mismatch between Dhirubhai and this partner.  Chandra is the karaka for emotions, clothes, yarn, and polyester and is the 8th lord, clearly showing an abrupt end to the partnership.  This Argalā of Sun and Moon is not countered from the 10th house. Hence all the influences of Sun and moon on money matters will dominate. It is interesting to note that Jupiter as the Dhana Karaka is having a Rasi dristi on Lagna, Sun, and moon.  The mutual equation is complete.  The 11th house from Jupiter is Karaka has no graha and this has a Virodha Argalā from Scorpio hosting Venus and mercury.  Venus rules the entire private sector, whereas mercury rules business and they have an influence on Jupiter, the Dhana karaka.  If we look closely, Karaka has SL (Shree Lagna showing the blessings of Maha Lakshmi) and Scorpio has GL (Ghatika Lagna showing power) and HL (Hora Lagna showing money). In the same way, we can see the invisible hand of Argalā on all houses and other karakas as well. [...] Read more...
Maharishi Parasra in chapter 3 ग्रहगुणस्वरूपाध्यायः teaches || त्रिकोणात्‌ स्वात्‌सुखस्वाऽन्त्यधीधर्मायुःस्वतुङ्गपाः। सुहृदो रिपवश्वान्वे  समाश्चोभयलक्षणाः|| Translation – The lords of the signs which are 4th, 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th and the 8th from the Moola trikona sign of the graha and the lords of the exalted signs of each planet are friendly of the particular planet. (BPHS – G.C Sharma). By this, we know that houses  3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th from the Moola trikona sign are NOT friendly to the graha in question. For example, the Moola trikona of Surya is Leo. Hence, Sun does not like 3rd (Libra, Venus), 6th (Capricorn , Saturn), 7th  (Aquarius , Saturn and Rahu), 10th (Taurus, Venus ) and 11th (Gemini, Merucry). If you notice, as per Sun’s viewpoint Venus and Saturn both end up owning bad houses. This is the reason Venus and Saturn are enemies of Sun. When we notice the relationship of Mercury, we see that Mercury owns the 2nd (good) and 11th (bad) from Sun’s viewpoint. This means that Sun supports the purity of Virgo, but hates the promiscuity of Gemini. Hence Sun treats Mercury is a sama or neutral. We can do this exercise for all the graha’s and in the end, we understand the naisargika (natural) sambhandas or relationships between grahas. While the natural relationships between graha’s are well documented in standard jyotish texts, I want to get a little deeper into this by seeing these relationships from the viewpoint of the Chara Atmakaraka. As I have taught in my jyotish classes and also in previous articles, the importance of chara atmakaraka is paramount. The chara atmakaraka is the king of the horoscope and all the other graha’s do their work (karakatatwas) as per the orders of the king. Maharishi Parāśara, in chapter 32 कारकाध्यायः (chapter on karakas) teaches || आत्माख्यकारकस्तेषु प्रधानं कथ्यते द्विज॥ Translation – Atmakaraka is the most important planet in the chart. As the name suggests, the atmakaraka (AK) has the most important duty of guiding the soul in this lifetime. In the process of achieving this goal, the AK orders others graha’s into doing their work. All the other graha’s are under the total control of the chara atmakaraka. We know the houses that are friendly and unfriendly, but this time we see these houses from the viewpoint of the Chara Atmakaraka. Hence houses 2nd, 12th, 4th, 5th, 9th and the 8th from the atmakaraka will recieve support from the king and hence these houses will prosper. The houses 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th from the atmakaraka will be devoid of the kings support and will have to struggle. This struggle becomes more if the naisargika karakas and the lords of these houses are also afflicted. A house should be declared as destroyed ONLY if the house, it’s lord and the karaka are all afflicted. Let us try to apply these principles on an example chart.   First and foremost, an astrologer needs to check the basic strength of the horoscope. Dhanu lagna rises with the auspicious Jupiter in lagna along with Mercury. Jupiter placed in dhanu lagna is very auspicious as it generates the powerful Hamsa mahapurusha yoga. This Jupiter is joined by the 7th and 10th lord Mercury further increasing the auspiciousness of the chart. Since the lagna is both a kendra as well as a trikona, mercury, a kendra lord joining lagna lord jupiter, promises a fine rajayoga. Lagna lord Jupiter strongly and beneficially aspects the 7th house , while 7th lord mercury aspects it’s own 7th house. A standard dictum in jyotish is that when the lord of a house aspects it’s own house, the house becomes very strong and auspicious. Hence, the 7th house, 7th lord are very strong and with the association of Jupiter, marriage life is surely a blessed one. Exalted Saturn from Libra aspects lagna, lagna lord Jupiter and 7th lord Mercury. Atmakaraka is Moon and is placed in the 6th house along with notorious Rahu. Atmakraka Moon is exalted and so is Rahu who conjoins the AK. AK placed in the 6th house is not considered good as it shows a lot of strife and suffering. The houses 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th from the AK will be devoid of thew king’s (AK) support. Hence Cancer, Libra , Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces will not be encouraged by the king. These signs correspond to the 8th, 11th, 12th, 3rd and 4th bhavas from lagna.  We can now make a series of judgments… The 8th house is vacant and 8th lord is Moon who is the AK signifying the affliction to the 8th house (end of the first marriage). The 11th house has the destructive combination of Saturn and Mars (Yama yoga) showing death of that house. The 11th lord is Venus who is in an exchange with Mars. The exchange is between Rajasic Venus and Tamasic Mars. Hence we can say the the effects of Mars also come into the 11th house. The 11th house is the 5th from the 7th house showing the emotions involved in marriage life. The 12th house has Ketu and Venus while 11th lord is Mars (in exchange) and hence we can say the effects of Sukra will be shown in Scorpio. The 3rd house is vacant and it’s lords are Saturn and Rahu (Aquarius has 2 lords). Rahu afflicts the AK, Moon (Grahana or Eclipse) , while Saturn is in the company of Mangala. The 4th house is vacant and it’s lord  is with Mercury. The 11th bhava (6th from AK) happens to be the 2nd from Upapada lagna (UL). The 2nd house from UL shows the sustenance of marriage.  The very fact that Saturn and Mangala are in the 2nd from UL shows disruptions. It does not help that the 2nd from UL has no support from the AK (King). UL lord is mercury who is well placed with auspicious Jupiter showing that the girl would have all the qualities of Jupiter and mercury. The girl was from a humble and educated family. The native married in Jupiter-Mercury. Marriage event is clear because Jupiter and mercury both influence the 7th house. The native is well known to my family and I had predicted danger to married life and unfortunately within the first year of marriage, the couple separated with mutual divorce.  The auspicious Jupiter’s aspect on the 7th house and it’s auspicious association with the 7th lord did nothing to save the marriage as the King, the AK did not support. Conclusion – This clearly demonstrates the fact that Atmakaraka is the king of the chart and if the king does not support a bhava, the results of that bhava can suffer. © 2002 – 2016 Katti Narahari, All Rights Reserved. [...] Read more...

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